
Open Positions Photo.jpg

Thank you for your interest in working with NAMI Multnomah! We have an important mission and a great staff. We value self-care and the unique perspective each person brings to their role. If we are currently recruiting to fill a position, information about that position and how to apply will be posted here. We are a small organization, so we don’t always have paid openings.

If you don’t see anything available here, you might want to visit our volunteer page.

Family Partner

Come join our team of Family Partners! Family Partners support families in Multnomah County who are participating in Wraparound Services and/or YICC (Youth Intensive Care Coordination). Family Partners support and walk alongside these families to optimize the mental health services their child receives. A key feature of this position is that Family Partners have lived experience as a parent or primary caregiver (an unpaid individual who provides day-to-day care for a youth on an ongoing basis) of a child/youth with mental health, emotional, or behavioral health difficulties. Family Partners use this lived experience, along with knowledge of social service systems (e.g., mental health, developmental disabilities, child welfare, juvenile justice), to support other families.

Learn more about this role and apply here.

Peer Support Specialist - Crisis response

Come join our amazing team of Peer Support Specialists! We are recruiting two Peer Support Specialists (PSS) to work together in high-intensity support roles providing street outreach to peers in the areas surrounding Multnomah County’s Pathway Deflection Center and the BHRC (Behavioral Health Resource Center). The individuals supported by these roles are part of a vulnerable population, including those who are houseless, navigating addiction or mental health conditions, and possibly having recent interactions with law enforcement. PSS walk alongside peers to identify needs and connect them with community resources. A key feature of this position is that each PSS has their own lived experience with mental or behavioral health difficulties and is in stable recovery.

Learn more about this role and apply here.