Staff Members

NAMI Multnomah is a grassroots, volunteer-driven organization. Our volunteers facilitate weekly support groups, teach free NAMI classes, spread the word of NAMI at community events, and provide one-on-one peer support. Our staff is here to support our volunteers and coordinate a variety of programs that fulfill our mission. We look forward to connecting with you soon!

For general information about our free programs, or to learn which programs might best fit your needs, please give us a call at 503-228-5692 or send an email to

Community Programs

The Community Programs team develops and coordinates support groups, classes, and community events dedicated to our mission of Support, Education, and Advocacy. If you would like to get involved with one of our programs, feel free to contact any of these folks.

Ashley Langsdorf (she/her)
Program Manager, Peer Training & Continuing Education
Contact Ashley at with questions about the Peer Support Specialist Training (PSST) needed to become certified as a Traditional Health Worker (THW) Peer Support Specialist in Adult Mental Health with Oregon Health Authority.

Drew Fraley (she/her)
Community Programs Coordinator
Drew coordinates our peer support groups and classes. Feel free to contact her at

Jaime Johnston (she/her)
Director of Community Programs
You can reach Jaime at Contact her if you are interested in volunteering, requesting a NAMI presentation, or developing a community collaboration.

Peer-Delivered Services

Adam Johnston
Veteran Peer Support Specialist

Alystra Hill
NAMI Connects Peer Mentor

Jennifer Salkoski
NAMI Connects Peer Mentor

JoLynn Thompson
Director of Peer Delivered Services

Katrina Kountz
NAMI Connects Peer Mentor

Ken Wheatt
Veteran Peer Support Specialist

Lily Brodrick
NAMI Connects Peer Mentor

Nichole Hedinger
NAMI Connects Supervisor

Tammy Davis
Lead Veteran BH Peer Support Specialist

Child & Family Programs

Our Child & Family staff walk alongside parents and caregivers of youth with behavioral health challenges. They may play the role of educator, supporter, and advocate all in one day. All families working with our Family Partners are referred directly from outside organizations. We cannot take self-referrals for these services.

AJ Berg
Wraparound & Agile Family Partner

ChristaLee Fox
Wraparound Family Partner

June Halcomb
YICC & Wraparound Family Partner

Kisha Jones-Smith
YICC Family Partner

Maddy Perez
Family Partner Supervisor

Nicci Larson
YICC & Wraparound Family Partner

Phylicia Butler
Wraparound Family Partner

Rosa Sanchez
Wraparound & Agile Family Partner

Wendy Lopez
Wraparound Family Partner


Kerri Melda
Executive Director

Kerri brings 30 years of policy, program and research leadership to NAMI Multnomah. At the core of her non-profit work is the core value of honoring and respecting the lived experience of peers and families, and how that experience can influence better services, supports and policies in the disability and mental health fields. Prior to NAMI Multnomah, Kerri worked with the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL), supporting efforts to assure best-practices in developmental disability and mental health services. She also spent two decades with the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) where she was distinguished as a national leader in family support policy and evaluation. Kerri has a Bachelor degree in Special Education from Indiana University and a Master degree in Public Affairs/Policy & Management from the University of Oregon.

Rhonda Rodriguez
Director of Operations

Taylor Roberts
Program and Data Manager