Wraparound Family Partners

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Wraparound is a collaborative process that brings together children, family members, friends, service providers and community members to create an individualized plan for addressing a child’s needs. At NAMI Multnomah, our Wraparound Family Partners provide support to parents and caregivers of minor children receiving mental health treatment. A Family Partner walks alongside the parent or caregiver to provide resources and to share lessons learned from their personal experience. They utilize the T.E.A.M.S. model; they teach, empower, advocate, model, and support. 

All of our families are referred to this peer-based program through Multnomah County. To learn more about this program please visit the Multnomah County website.

You may also be interested in learning about NAMI Parent Support Group, or NAMI Basics!

For more information about our free programs, or to learn which programs might best fit your needs, please give us a call on the NAMI Multnomah Helpline at 503-228-5692 or send an email to info@namimultnomah.org.